16th to 22nd June 2019- Our staff, Abd Rasid Jaapar (CEO), Dato Zakaria Mohamad (Chairman) and Syed Bahtiar (Geotechnical Engineer) attended Short Course on Disaster Risk Management – Debris Flow Professional Training at Disaster Prevention Research Centre, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan organised by Disaster Prevention Research Centre (DPRC), National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan and co-organised by UTM KL and Society for Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics Malaysia (SEGRM).
All 22 participants are from Malaysia and coming from various background – government agencies (JMG, CKC JKR, JPS, NADMA & SDMU); universities (UTM, UKM & UMP); professional organisations (SEGRM, IGM & GSM) and from private companies (Ikram & Geomapping). Special thanks to Dr Khamarrul Azahari for his efforts to put everything in place. Our country will blessed should we have many local lecturers/researchers like him now!