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It all started when a new management took over Geomapping Technology Sdn Bhd and started the operation on September 1st, 2015. A new concept and branding is introduced. A revived Geomapping Technology Sdn Bhd became a new type of consultancy and services company operating on the cutting edge of technical consulting with emphasis on multidisciplinary approach.

By early 2025, we have grown and became GMT Geos which is now consists of Geomapping Technology Sdn BhdGeoscience Consult Sdn Bhd and Geomechanics Consult Sdn Bhd. The Group is a 100% employee-driven company where each employee will benefit from profit sharing and/or employee share-option scheme.


To be the leading social enterprise in geoscience and engineering, practicing good geosciences, geomechanics, and geospatial focusing on applied research and development.

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Assisting our client to develop solutions to their complex geoscience and  engineering issues.

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Translate the latest scientific understanding so that it can be applied to best use.

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Conduct works anywhere, tailored to client’s needs and budget.

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Provide technical expertise, including through a network of professional associates.

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Produce technically superior reports and professional judgements.

Better Practice
through Research

We encourage Knowledge Management to enhance knowledge through training and education, competency through experiences, and care through quality control. 

The experience encountered in each project is shared to improve competence, public safety and cost effectiveness of designs, solutions and environmental protection.

Our staff are encouraged to extend their practice by engaging in scholastic and research activities. Those who write technical papers or presenting in conferences will be rewarded.

GMT Geos is connected directly through Memorandum of Understanding or indirectly through other means with the following universities/agencies: