Another milestone for GMT. A simple yet meaningful event of MOU signing between UNITEN, and GMT has been carried out successfully at the University’s Chancellery. GMT will work harder in order to be the leading social enterprise with strong R&D based providing consultancy and services in geosciences, geomechanics and geospatial.
Thanks to UNITEN especially Assoc Prof Dr Rohayu Omar, Pn Rasyikin and team, Dato’ Prof Ir Dr Kamal Nasharudin Mustapha (Vice Chancellor), Dato’ Prof Ir Dr Ibrahim Hussien (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic and Research) and others for giving us the opportunity. Thanks to GMT team for the support.
UNITEN and GMT have so many common interests in the field of geosciences, geomechanics and geospatial. May Allah swt bless our good intention for the benefits of the nation.