DURATION: NOV 2015 – JAN 2016
Slope failures, landslides or any form of mass movements pose serious hazards yet are difficult to predict. Despite remarkable efforts of mapping, monitoring and modeling of such great events at regional or local scales, the quantifying the processes and activities of the hill-slope and tectonic geomorphology is very challenging. Combined with anthropogenic activities, especially the development and settlement on unstable tropical terrain, landslides as natural processes in the first place have become natural disasters.
In this project, the usage of advanced and modern geospatial technologies, specifically topographic laser scanning or also known as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) for mapping landslide inventory, evaluating LiDAR-derived landslide causal factor maps, analysing landslide susceptibility, assessing landslide hazard and associated risk in Kota Kinabalu and Kundasang, Sabah.

In this project, the usage of advanced and modern geospatial technologies, specifically topographic laser scanning or also known as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) for mapping landslide inventory, evaluating LiDAR-derived landslide causal factor maps, analysing landslide susceptibility, assessing landslide hazard and associated risk in Kota Kinabalu and Kundasang, Sabah.

LiDAR derived data is highly effective in delivering accurate measurements and assessment because it can provide larger coverage area compared to field observations, revels topography beneath dense vegetation and provides data from inaccessible regions. Digital field mapping has clearly shown that this is the way to be working in the future because it can enhance the speed of the mapping operation.